A Short Story About the Lottery
A lottery prediksi macau is an arrangement of tokens or papers in which a prize is selected by lot. Prizes may be money, goods, or services. Lotteries are common in the United States and elsewhere and contribute billions of dollars to public coffers annually. They are often advertised as an alternative to income tax and a way to help people with low-incomes achieve financial security through education or other social programs. However, they also engender an obsession with unimaginable wealth and, as the author of this short story demonstrates, can result in a vicious cycle of addiction, poverty, and family discord.
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, lottery sales soared as the nation became increasingly tax averse. Government officials hoped that they could generate large amounts of revenue without enraging a pro-tax electorate, and many states adopted lotteries as a solution to budgetary problems. The lottery was a popular pastime with the rich and the poor alike; the prizes ranged from livestock to slaves (and, in one case, a formerly enslaved man who won the prize of a Virginia-based lottery purchased his own freedom and went on to foment a slave rebellion).
Lotteries were a form of entertainment for the masses and promoted civic projects. In the fourteenth century, for example, a lottery raised funds to build town fortifications in the Low Countries; in England the first state-sponsored lottery was established in 1567. But the lottery is a game of chance, and its participants are vulnerable to bad luck or to believing in false hope.
Although rich people do play the lottery, their purchases — on average a tiny percentage of their annual income — reflect a lower risk-to-reward ratio than those of the poor. As a result, lottery sales tend to increase when wages fall and unemployment rise; they are particularly strong in neighborhoods that are disproportionately black or Latino.
As a marketing tool, the lottery is remarkably effective. Its merchandising deals allow it to draw the attention of consumers with high-profile prizes such as automobiles and electronics. Many of these prizes are accompanied by celebrity or team names, and the lottery benefits from increased brand awareness.
The author of this story, Shirley Jackson, suggests that the lottery is a dangerous thing for a society to engage in. The lottery is a dangerous game, because it gives the reader the idea that they will win the lottery and make their life better. However, the fact that people are unable to save money for retirement or college tuition shows that they are not capable of thinking of their own futures and must rely on others to do it for them.
In the end, the family loses their home because of the lottery. The brother and the sister are both addicted to gambling. The brother is even more addicted than his sister. Eventually, the brother gets arrested and the sisters decide to leave their house because they no longer trust him. This is an example of the greed and hypocrisy that are present in human nature.